Australian government increasingly anti-Israel

Australian government increasingly anti-Israel

As a child growing up in Melbourne, I remember lining up outside the huge display windows of Myer at Christmas, wide-eyed in wonder at the snowy dioramas. This year anti-Israel agitators announced their intent to disrupt the Christmas windows launch scheduled for...

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Australian defence policy under a Trump world order

Australian defence policy under a Trump world order

Most commentary thus far has been on how the Australian government will handle a Trump Administration. More will emerge on the implications for Australia, from Trump’s tariff policies to the likely continued decoupling from China, and Trump’s transactional nature. As...

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Warfare and competition from 2024 on

Warfare and competition from 2024 on

Warfare has changed fundamentally. Rather than seeing it as a linear progression—or adapted regression, depending on your perspective—we should understand it as increasing entanglement between the three strategic domains of conventional warfare, nuclear warfare, and...

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What Arab states know – and we don’t

What Arab states know – and we don’t

There’s an open secret across Middle Eastern governments that is a background driver of their approaches to the war between Israel and Iran and its terrorist proxies like Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis: they all welcome a weakened Iran and the dismantling of its...

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