When Karens take power; building a hedge of frigat | RSS.com In Episode 32, the Grumpy Strategists...
Episode 31: Biden valedictory, Trump 2.0 prelude, & Bad Santa’s little Canberra helpers release more reviews
by Michael Shoebridge and Marcus Hellyer
Episiode 31- Biden valedictory, Trump 2.0 prelude | RSS.com Marcus and Michael are back after a...
Defence’s disappointing Annual Report & Hypersonic Hyperbole meets Houthi hard work
by Marcus Hellyer and Michael Shoebridge
Defence's disappointing Annual Report & Hypersoni | RSS.com In Episode 30, Marcus and Michael look...
Episode 29: Washington cyber hygiene. Military shrinks, plans proliferate. Marles keeps balls in the air
by Marcus Hellyer and Michael Shoebridge
Episode 29: Washington cyber hygiene. Military shr | RSS.com In Episode 29, the Grumpy Strategists...
Episode 28: Sub schedules on fire, Deterrence by Documentation & a guided weapons go slow
by Marcus Hellyer and Michael Shoebridge
Episode 28: Sub schedules on fire, deterrence by d | RSS.com With a fire in the UK's sub...
Episode 27 – Gullible Goldfish, Ghost Fleets & a nasty bout of ‘enshittification’
by Marcus Hellyer and Michael Shoebridge
Episode 27 - Gullible Goldfish, Ghost Fleets & a n | RSS.com The Grumpy Strategists analyse two...
Episode 26: Acceleration – that word doesn’t mean what you think it means
by Marcus Hellyer and Michael Shoebridge
Episode 26: Acceleration - that word doesn't mean | RSS.com The Grumpy Strategists discuss what...
Episode 25 -the Army gets wet. An empty AUKUS sub plan damages trust
by Marcus Hellyer and Michael Shoebridge
Episode 25 -the Army gets wet, while an empty AUKU | RSS.com On the Grumpy Strategists' 1st...
Makin’ missiles, a business insurgency & schedule as comedy – Episode 24
by Marcus Hellyer and Michael Shoebridge
Makin' missiles, a business insurgency & schedule | RSS.com Marcus and Michael catch up on news...
Disappearing tanks, $million missiles, SNAUKUS & the bear behind the US election – Episode 23
by Marcus Hellyer and Michael Shoebridge
Disappearing tanks, million dollar missiles, SNAUK | RSS.com SAA's Marcus Hellyer and Michael...
The Great Debate series: a (civil) nuclear debate?
by Marcus Hellyer and Michael Shoebridge
The Great Debates: a civil nuclear debate | RSS.com Episode 1 of the Great Debate series - on...
Post-shot US election update, Ukrainian & Ozzie drones, spies and public money
by Marcus Hellyer and Michael Shoebridge
Post-shot US election update, Ukrainian & Ozzie dr | RSS.com Marcus and Michael discuss the US...
Grumpy Strategist Makers’ Series – the workforce edition with KINEXUS
by Marcus Hellyer and Rob Kremer
The Grumpy Strategists | RSS.com In Episode 5, SAA's Marcus Hellyer talks with Rob Kremer,...
Consequences, consequences: budget settings starve the Air Force & a bureaucracy avoids scrutiny
by Marcus Hellyer and Michael Shoebridge
Structural troubles ahead: a starving Air Force & | RSS.com The Grumpy Strategists outline the...
Episode 20: Cringers, crawlers, walkers & runners with a dash of AI, cults, conspiracies, pyramids & portals.
by Marcus Hellyer and Michael Shoebridge
Episode 20: Cringers, crawlers, walkers & runners | RSS.com The Grumpy Strategists look at the...