This is the third report in the IPA-SAA Blueprint for Defence series that provides an action plan...
A US dose of reality shows Australia must meet more of our own needs
We’ve had recent announcements from AUSMIN and AUKUS, the two acronyms describing our peak...
Post-shot US election update, Ukrainian & Ozzie drones, spies and public money
by Marcus Hellyer and Michael Shoebridge
Post-shot US election update, Ukrainian & Ozzie dr | Marcus and Michael discuss the US...
The National Defence Strategy’s 2 key shortfalls: strategic purpose & the nature of warfare
Years ago, a task often assigned graduates newly arrived in Defence was to draft responses to...
A new Navy plan – money, frigates & floating missile trucks but no lessons from the Black or Red Seas
by Marcus Hellyer and Michael Shoebridge
A new plan for Australia's Navy - money, frigates & floating missile trucks, but no lessons from...
Labor’s evasive action on grounded choppers won’t fly
There is something deeply suspect about the government’s decision to disassemble and bury 45...
Ukraine and helicopters: Mr Albanese needs to dig Defence and Pat Conroy out of a hole of their own making
“Australia stands with Ukraine. We pay tribute to the unwavering resilience and courage displayed...
Decision to bury Taipans dents our support of Ukraine
On Monday, Acting Defence Minister Matt Thistlethwaite farewelled 90 Australian Defence Force...
2024: elections in a fragmenting world; Future Fund forgets Australian industry – & export controls, again
by Marcus Hellyer and Michael Shoebridge
Episode 9 - 2024: global elections bring a fragmenting world, investing everywhere but into...
In Washington, Mr Albanese must be a contributor to collective defence, not a needy bystander
Mr Albanese is visiting Washington at a time when US defence and foreign policy is focused on...
The Israel-Hamas war, deterrence failures & hostage diplomacy Beijing style
by Marcus Hellyer and Michael Shoebridge
The Israel-Hamas war, deterrence failures & hostage diplomacy Beijing style | In this...
Old trends & weak signals may herald shifts in warfare
We are in a febrile period of transition in terms of global politics, as well as the development...
Sevastopol, $200 million Triton drones and Australian industry
by Marcus Hellyer and Michael Shoebridge
Sevastopol, $200 million Triton drones and Australian industry | Marcus Hellyer and...
How to stop underestimating Australian industry’s capacity for our defence
Australian defence exports have been in the news, with reports that Australian equipment is having...
Australia and Germany help ourselves to jobs and vehicles while Ukraine fights a war
Ukraine’s military is running out of ammunition and other military supplies. The problem is...